For Infuzu Chat
To upgrade to Infuzu Chat Individual, simply click on your profile image in the top right. Then click on 'Upgrade plan'. You will then see your current subscriptions. To upgrade to Infuzu Chat Individual, click View Plans and then select the plan fitting your needs.
If you select Infuzu individual, you will then be prompted to enter your payment information. If you select Infuzu Team, you will then be prompted to select which organization you would like to purchase Infuzu Team for and then you will be prompted to enter your payment information and select the number of seats you would like.
For an individual subscription, you can manage your billing settings on your subscriptions page.
For an organization based subscription, you can manage your subscription on the billing licenses page.
On this page, make sure you have the correct organization selected on the top right.
For the API
In the billing panel, add a payment method (under Payment Methods). After adding a payment method, add credits to your organization by clicking 'Add Credits'.
We highly recommend Creating an Auto Recharge plan for API usage.